Influencer marketing – Kaj je influencer marketing?!

Influencer marketing bo in je ena glavnih “buzz” besed v marketinških vodah to leto.

Prav zato vam na ogled ponujamo video, ki stvar pojasni na zelo preprost način. Vzamite si dobre 4 minute in prisluhnite glasu s sicer močnim naglasom,  a jasnim sporočilom. 4 minute za influencer marketing.

Jan Macarol

Jan Macarol has been involved in the field of digital media publishing for more than a decade. Seeing all sides of advertising triangle in multiple functions - he has a deep insight of the market. Jan is also a pioneer in social media field - as a founder & creator of the largest domestic social networking site - and the first specialized agency for digital media production, social media management, native advertising & digital PR - Reformabit.